Schönbrunn 2007  
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Pictures taken during 2007 in or around the vienna zoo.

2007-08-28 Another animal shows interest in my work...
Kitty playing with a ball of yarn
2007-11-17 Yes, I know: this isn't exactly a kitten, nor is it playing with a ball of yarn. But you have to admit that it sure looks as if this tiger is purring and swatting that ball around.
Kitty playing with a ball of yarn
Lazy Wolf
2007-03-02 It seems that I wasn't the only one who was slightly overdressed and somewhot hot at the time this picture was taken.
The wolf seems to think "How do I get out ot this winter coat?".
Lazy Wolf
Leaping Cheetah
2007-11-17 Cought him airborne there. A rare occasion, since most of the time the cheetahs are either sitting still or walking around on the ground.
Leaping Cheetah
Lioness overlooking her cage
2007-03-02 This lioness was enjoying some rays of sunlight on top of an artificial rock in her cage, hence the ground-up perspective.
Lioness overlooking her cage

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