Schönbrunn 2007  
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Pictures taken during 2007 in or around the vienna zoo.

Banded Mongoose - sunbathing
2007-03-02 A Banded Mongoose hanging around under a spotlight doubling as artificial sun during the colder time of the year.
Banded Mongoose - sunbathing
Banded Mongoose - Toddler 1
2007-08-14 I was pleased to see new inhabitants at the zoo today: those two little toddlers shure are fun to watch: always running around, already starting to dig and constantly watched and cared for by the older ones.
Banded Mongoose - Toddler 1
Banded Mongoose - Toddler 2
2007-08-14 ...and the second image, just because they are so cute!
Banded Mongoose - Toddler 2
Bear in Hammock
2007-08-28 This one looks almost faked: but let me assure you, the bear DID sleep in this way!
Bear in Hammock
Black Panther - Patrolling
2007-12-21 It is a rare occasion for me to have the camera ready when one of those is actually awake (usually I only have time to visit the zoo right after their feeding-time which is also known as nap-time)
Black Panther - Patrolling

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